Monday, August 20, 2012

LWV Advocates for Shoreland Restoration at Parks Meeting

On April 4, 2012, the League of Women Voters participated in a city Parks Board meeting, stating strong support of their membership for restoration of Menominee Park Shoreland and for inclusion of restoration in the Menominee Park Plan.  The official position of the local LWV chapter, provided by Kathy Propp, was the following:

Black Eyed Susans dominated the first year of the planting, showing off a beautiful yellow mixed with native annual grasses that were planted to prevent erosion.

"The League of Women Voters supports adequate funding for maintenance and improvements to  the existing facilities in Menominee Park. There seems to be something for all ages.

This park is the most intensively used of all Oshkosh parks. There is no room left for adding  structures or formal ball fields. Green space, especially waterfront green space, is a precious  commodity.

We support environmentally sound maintenance and management practices, including weed  management in Millers Bay and prevention and control of invasive species. The natural shoreline landscaping near Ames Point is a great start and we encourage more along  Millers Bay shoreline. Please include mention of stormwater demonstration areas as feasible (rain gardens, small retention ponds, swales, parking lot vegetation)."

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